Notice: New MBBS Admission Circular  for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:29-08-2024)

Notice:  MBBS Admission Circular  for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:29-08-2024)

Notice: Class Resume (ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে), (Date: 17-08-2024)

Notice: Exam Schedule of Surgery & Medicine, (Date:29-07-2024)

Notice: ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 17-07-2024)

Notice: MBBS 1st Year Orientation Programme_১ম বর্ষ এমবিবিএস ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম, (Date:04-06-2024)

Notice: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে ১ম বর্ষ এমবিবিএস ২০২৩-২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:18-05-2024)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam November-2023 Under CU, (Date: 04-05-2024)

Notice: Written Routine published of 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam November-2023 Under CU, (Date: 02-05-2024)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the Final Prof. MBBS Exam November-2023 Under CMU, (Date: 20-04-2024)

Notice: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে ২০২৩-২০২৪ এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তিইচ্ছুক শিক্ষার্থীদের ঐচ্ছিক মাইগ্রেশন সংক্রান্ত, (Date:09-04-2024)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল, সেশনঃ (২০২৩-২০২৪)_MBBS Course Admission Result for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:02-04-2024)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (অসচ্ছল ও মেধাবী কোটা), সেশনঃ (২০২৩-২০২৪)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Poor & Meritorious Quota) for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:31-03-2024)

Notice: পবিত্র ঈদ-উল-ফিতর উপলক্ষে ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 30-03-2024)

Notice: ২৬ই মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা ও জাতীয় দিবস ২০২৪ উদযাপন উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 25-03-2024)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam November-2023 Under CMU, (Date: 19-03-2024)

Notice: ১৭ই মার্চ জাতির পিতার ১০৪তম জন্মবার্ষিকী ও জাতীয় শিশু দিবস ২০২৪ উদযাপন উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 16-03-2024)

Notice:  MBBS Admission Circular  for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:20-02-2024)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st, 2nd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam July 2023 Under CU, (Date: 18-01-2024)

Notice:  Admission Circular  for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:11-01-2024)

News: ‘সাউদার্ণ  মেডিকেল কলেজ এর বার্ষিক ম্যাগাজিন “মহাশ্বেতা” প্রকাশনার জন্য লেখা আহবান, (Date:09-01-2024)

Notice: দ্বাদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নিবাচন উপলক্ষে অফিস বন্ধ, (Date: 04-01-2024)

Notice: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজের শিক্ষার্থীদের ক্লাস এবং ওয়ার্ড শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। Class & ward resume in Southern Medical College, (Date:26-12-2023)

Notice: ১৬ই ডিসেম্বর মহান বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 13-12-2023)

Notice: Final Professional MBBS OSPE Exam Schedule May-2023 Under CMU, (Date:10-12-2023)

Notice: ‘সমন্বিত স্বাস্থ্য-বিজ্ঞান গবেষণা ও উন্নয়ন তহবিল কার্যক্রম এর আওতায় গবেষণা প্রস্তাব আহবান, (Date:09-12-2023)

Notice: Final Professional MBBS Exam Schedule May-2023 Under CMU, (Date:07-11-2023)

Notice: Written Routine published of All MBBS (New Curriculum-2012) Examination May-2023 Under CU, (Date: 05-11-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the Final Prof. MBBS Exam November 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 31-10-2023)

Notice: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Professional MBBS Exam Schedule May-2023 Under CMU, (Date:10-10-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam May 2023 Under CMU, (Date: 10-10-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam May 2023 Under CU, (Date: 30-09-2023)

Notice: ঈদ-ই-মিলাদুন্নবী (সাঃ) উপলক্ষে অফিস ও ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 25-09-2023)
Notice: শুভ জন্মাষ্টমী উপলক্ষে অফিস ও ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 04-09-2023)
Notice: ১৫ই আগষ্ট জাতীয় শোক দিবস উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 13-08-2023)
Notice: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে ১ম বর্ষ এমবিবিএস ২০২২-২০২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:30-07-2023)
News: Orientation Programme of First year MBBS (Batch-18th) Session: 2022-23_১ম বর্ষ এমবিবিএস (১৮তম ব্যাচ) ২০২২-২০২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম, (Date:23-07-2023)

Notice: বেসরকারি মেডিকেল কলেজে ভর্তির সময়সীমা বর্ধিতকরণ সংক্রান্ত,(Date:20-07-2023)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (মাইগ্রেশন এবং অপেক্ষামান তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২-২০২৩), (Date:20-07-2023)

Notice: সরকারি-বেসরকারি মেডিকেল কলেজসমূহে ২০২২-২৩ শিক্ষাবর্ষে এমবিবিএস ক্লাস শুরুর বিজ্ঞপ্তি, (Date:13-07-2023)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল, সেশনঃ (২০২-২০২৩)_MBBS Course Admission Result for the session: 2022-2023, (Date:27-06-2023)

Notice:চূড়ান্ত পেশাগত এমবিবিএস নভেম্বর 2022 এর মৌখিক ও ব্যবহারিক পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী , (Date: 26-06-2023)

Notice: OSPE Routine of MBBS Examination (New Curriculum) November-2022 Under CU, (Date: 26-06-2023)

Notice: OSPE Routine of 2nd & 3rd prof. MBBS Examination (New Curriculum) November-2022 Under CU, (Date: 26-06-2023)

Notice: Written Routine published of All MBBS (Old Curriculum) Examination January-2023 Under CU, (Date: 22-06-2023)

Notice: Amendment Notice of Professional MBBS Examination Nov-2022, (Date: 20-06-2023)

Notice: 3rd Professional MBBS Exam Schedule Nov-2022 Under CMU, (Date:12-06-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam Nov-2022 Under CMU, (Date: 10-06-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the Final Prof. MBBS Exam January 2023 Under CU, (Date: 08-06-2023)

Notice: 1st & 2nd Professional MBBS Exam Schedule Nov-2022 Under CMU, (Date:07-06-2023)

Notice:  MBBS Course Admission Circular  for the session: 2022-2023, (Date:06-06-2023)

Notice: Exam Center for 1st and 2nd Professional MBBS Exam Nov-2022 Under CMU, (Date:18-05-2023)

Notice: Final Professional MBBS Exam Schedule Nov-2022 Under CMU, (Date:09-05-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st, 2nd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 29-04-2023)

Notice: পবিত্র ঈদ-উল-ফিতর উপলক্ষে ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 11-04-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2022 Under CU, (Date: 08-04-2023)

Notice: 1st & 2nd  Professional MBBS Exam Result May-2022 Under CMU, (Date:13-03-2023)

Notice: ৭ই মার্চ উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 07-03-2023)

Notice: 4th year Class & Ward Duty-2023,(Date: 09-02-2023)

News : Recruitment Notice-2023,(Date: 06-02-2023)

Notice: 3rd Professional MBBS Exam Schedule May-2022 Under CMU, (Date:03-01-2023)

Notice: ২০২-২ শিক্ষাবর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীদের রেজিস্ট্রেশন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 01-01-2023)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam May 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 01-01-2023)

Notice: এফ.সি.পি.এস পার্ট-২, মেডিসিন/সার্জারী/অব্স ও গাইনী কোর্সে ট্রেনিং-এ ভর্তি ফরম, (Date: 18-12-2022)

Notice: Viva Routine published of 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof MBBS (New Curriculum) Exam. May-2022, (Date: 17-12-2022)

Notice: Viva Routine published of 2nd & Final Prof MBBS (Old Curriculum) Exam. July-2022, (Date: 17-12-2022)

Notice: ১৬ই ডিসেম্বর মহান বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে অনুষ্ঠানসূচি, (Date: 13-12-2022)

Notice: 2nd Professional MBBS Exam Schedule May-2022 Under CMU, (Date:05-12-2022)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam May 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 05-12-2022)

Notice: Modification Written & OSPE Routine of Final Prof MBBS Examination May-2022, (Date: 28-11-2022)

Notice: Modification Written & OSPE Routine of 1st, 2nd & Final Prof MBBS Examination July-2022, (Date: 28-11-2022)

Notice: Written Routine Published of Professional MBBS Exam. May-2022, (Date: 12-11-2022)

Notice: Exam Schedule of 1st Prof. MBBS May 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 27-10-2022)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st Prof. MBBS Exam May 2022 Under CMU, (Date: 17-10-2022)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the Final Prof. MBBS Exam July 2022 Under CU, (Date: 15-10-2022)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam May 2022 Under CU, (Date: 15-10-2022)

News:  Invitation of Quotation for SMCH Canteen, (Date:25-09-2022)

Notice: Form Fill-up for the 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam November 2021 Under CMU, (Date: 17-08-2022)

News:  Celebration of National Mourning Day, (Date:13-08-2022)

News: Orientation Programme of First year MBBS (Batch-17th) Session: 2021-22_১ম বর্ষ এমবিবিএস (১৭তম ব্যাচ) ২০২১-২০২২ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম, (Date:31-07-2022)

Notice:  MBBS Course Admission Result_ Freedom Fighter Quota (Selected Candidates) for the session: 2021-2022, (Date:18-07-2022)

Notice:  MBBS Course Admission Result_ General Quota (A-Z List) for the session: 2021-2022, (Date:07-07-2022)

Notice:  MBBS Course Admission Result_ Meritorious Quota (A-Z List) for the session: 2021-2022, (Date:07-07-2022)

Notice:  MBBS Course Admission Result_ Freedom Fighter Quota (A-Z List) for the session: 2021-2022, (Date:07-07-2022)

News : Recruitment Notice-2022,(Date: 04-07-2022)

Notice: পবিত্র ঈদুল আজহা উপলক্ষে ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 03-07-2022)

Notice: স্থগিত পরীক্ষার পুনঃতারিখ প্রকাশ। (Date:21-06-2022)

Notice: এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি, সেশনঃ (২০১-২০২)_MBBS Course Admission Circular for the session: 2021-2022, (Date:16-06-2022)

Notice: 5th Year Class resume in person in Southern Medical College campus, সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে সশরীরে ৫ম বর্ষের ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:15-06-2022)

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের সকল বকেয়া ফি পরিশোধ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 06-06-2022)

Notice: Amendment notice of 2nd Prof MBBS Exam. November-2021 written exam date, (Date: 04-06-2022)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st & 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam November 2021 Under CMU, (Date: 02-06-2022)

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের মার্কসীট গ্রহণের সময় যাচাই-বাচাই করণ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 24-05-2022)

Notice: পবিত্র ঈদ-উল-ফিতর উপলক্ষে ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date: 21-04-2022)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2021 Under CU, (Date: 21-04-2022)

Notice: ২০২০-২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষের শিক্ষার্থীদের রেজিস্ট্রেশন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 12-04-2022)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam May 2021 Under CMU, (Date: 22-03-2022)

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের সকল বকেয়া ফি পরিশোধ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 03-03-2022)

Notice: Celebrate International Mother Language Day, (Date:20-02-2022)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam May 2021 Under CMU, (Date:09-02-2022)

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের সকল বকেয়া ফি পরিশোধ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 06-02-2022)

Notice: Class suspended for Saraswati Puja. (Date:05-02-2022)

Notice: Class off in person in Southern Medical College campus, সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে সশরীরে সকল বর্ষের ক্লাস বন্ধ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:22-01-2022)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final Prof. (New Curi.) MBBS Exam May 2021 & 1st, 2nd & Final Prof. (Old Curi.) MBBS Exam July 2021 Under CU, (Date:09-01-2022)

Notice: Revised Exam Schedule of 1st Professional MBBS May-2021 Under CMU, (Date:18-12-2021)

News:  Published at Dainik Purbokone about Scientific Seminar on Antibiotic Awareness Day, (Date:25-11-2021)

Notice: 1st Professional MBBS Exam Schedule May-2021 Under CMU, (Date:23-11-2021)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st Prof. MBBS Exam May 2021 Under CMU, (Date:21-11-2021)

Notice: Form Fillup for the Final Prof. MBBS Exam May 2021 Under CU, (Date:21-11-2021)

Notice: Residential Field Training Program (RFST) (Date:06-11-2021)

Notice: Class resume in person in Southern Medical College campus, সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজে সশরীরে সকল বর্ষের ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:04-11-2021)

Notice: Revised 2nd & Final Prof MBBS (Old Curriculum) Viva Routine schedule of January-2021, (Date:19-10-2021)

Notice: 2nd & Final Prof MBBS (Old Curriculum) Viva Routine schedule of January-2021, (Date:13-10-2021)

Notice: 3rd Prof. MBBS Viva Examination Routine Nov-2020, (Date:11-10-2021)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 09-10-2021)

Notice: Suspension of Classes for Durga Puja 2021_দূ্র্গা পূজা উপলক্ষে ক্লাস বন্ধ, (Date:07-10-2021)

Notice: 1st & 2nd Prof. MBBS (New curriculum) Viva Examination Routine Nov-2020, (Date:04-10-2021)

Notice: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prof MBBS (New curriculum) OSPE Examination Routine Nov-2020, (Date:21-09-2021)

Notice: Class resume from 13/09/2021 in Southern Medical College campus, (Date:09-09-2021)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2020 Under CU, (Date:25-08-2021)

Notice: Form Fillup for the 1st & 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2020 Under CMU, (Date:25-08-2021)

Notice: Routine of 1st & 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2020 Under CMU, (Date:23-08-2021)

Notice: Form Fillup for 1st & 2nd Prof. MBBS Exam Nov 2020 Under CMU, (Date:19-08-2021)

News:  Celebration of National Mourning Day , (Date:14-08-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (অসচ্ছল ও মেধাবী কোটা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Poor & Meritorious Quota) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:13-08-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for Professional MBBS Examination November-2020 & January-2021 Under CU, (Date: 08-08-2021)

News: Covid-19 vaccination form of 2020-21 session First year MBBS students. (Date: 05-08-2021)

Students need to fill out this form very carefully within 05/08/2021 at 09:00pm and don’t resubmit this form twice or more.

Use Link for registration:

Name of the Medical College: Southern Medical College

Principal Name : Prof. Dr. Joyabrata Das

Focal person name: Dr. Hossain Ahmed

Focal person mobile number: 01711953562

College Email:

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের বেতন ও অন্যান্য ফি জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 05-08-2021)

Notice: Routine of Final Professional Examination November-2020. (Date: 03-08-2021)

Notice: Zoom Meeting & Orientation Class for new 1st year students. (Date: 03-08-2021)

News: Orientation. (Date: 28-07-2021)

Use the following link to ensure the joining in the inauguration class on 27/07/2021 within 12.00pm:

Use the following link to join in the inauguration class on 01/08/2021 :

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

News:  Medical Student’s Oath (Date: 28-07-2021)

News:  ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের শপথ।(Date: 28-07-2021)

Notice: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজের ২০২০-২০২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ক্লাস শুরু প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:)27-07-2021)

News: সাউদার্ণ মেডিকেল কলেজ এর সংক্ষিপ্ত ইতিহাস। (Date: 06-07-2021)

Notice: ২০২০-২০২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষে এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির আবেদনের সময় পূণরায় বর্ধিতকরণ সংক্রান্ত। (Date:30-06-2021

Notice: ২০২০-২০২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষে এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির আবেদনের সময় পূণরায় বর্ধিতকরণ সংক্রান্ত। (Date:30-06-2021)

Notice:  Final Prof. MBBS Examination November-2020, (Date:29-06-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (এ-টু-জেড তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (A-Z List) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:24-06-2021)

Notice: ২০২০-২০২১ শিক্ষাবর্ষে এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির আবেদনের সময় বর্ধিতকরণ সংক্রান্ত। (Date:22-06-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (মেধাতালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Merit List) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:19-06-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (মুক্তিযোদ্ধা তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Freedom Fighter List) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:19-06-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (১ম অপেক্ষমান তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (1st Waiting List) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:19-06-2021)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (২য় অপেক্ষমান তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২১)_MBBS Course Admission Result (2nd Waiting List) for the session: 2020-2021, (Date:19-06-2021)

Notice: Routine of 1st Professional MBBS Examination Under CMU, (Date: 15-06-2021)

Notice: Institutional Quarantine for Foreign Students, (Date: 15-06-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for Professional MBBS Examination November-2020 Under CMU, (Date: 14-06-2021)

Notice: শিক্ষার্থীদের কোভিড-১৯ ভ্যাকসিন গ্রহণ প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 12-06-2021)

Notice: Final Professional MBBS Examination November-2020 Under CU, (Date: 09-06-2021)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 05-06-2021)

Notice: এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি, সেশনঃ (২০২০-২০২)_MBBS Course Admission Circular for the session: 2020-21, (Date:01-06-2021)

Notice: Covid-19 Vaccination for SMCH Students, (Date: 22-05-2021)

Notice: Students Covid-19 Vaccination Registry, (Date: 08-05-2021)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 19-04-2021)

News: Result of Southern Medical College Governing Body Election – 2021 , (Date: 27-03-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for Final Professional MBBS Examination November-2020 Under CU, (Date: 25-03-2021)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 22-03-2021)

Notice: Online Class Routine, (Date: 15-03-2021)

News: Governing Body Election Schedule of SMCH , (Date: 14-03-2021)

Notice: Online Class Routine, (Date: 09-03-2021)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন ও টিউশন ফি জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 20-02-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for 2nd & Final Professional MBBS Examination (Old Curri.) July-2020 Under CU, (Date: 21-01-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for 1st & 2nd Professional MBBS Examination May-2020 Under CU, (Date: 19-01-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for 3rd Professional MBBS Examination Under CU, (Date: 14-01-2021)

Notice: Form Fill up for 1st & 2nd Professional MBBS Examination Under CMU, (Date: 14-01-2021)

Notice: Revised Routine of 3rd Professional MBBS Examination, (Date: 12-01-2021)

Notice: Routine of 3rd & Final Professional MBBS Examination, (Date: 29-12-2020)

Notice: First, Second & Third Professional MBBS Examination, (Date: 24-12-2020)

Notice: 2020-2021 শিক্ষাবর্ষে এমবিবিএস ভর্তি পরীক্ষার দিন ক্ষন অবহিত করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 19-12-2020)

Notice: Hostel Reopen for MBBS Examinee 2020, (Date: 09-12-2020)

Notice: Eligible for Bonafide Certificate, (Date:05-12-2020)

Notice: এমবিবিএস ১ম,২য় ও ৩য় প্রফ পরীক্ষার বিদেশী শিক্ষার্থীদের বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশের অনুমতি প্রসঙ্গে (Date:30-11-2020)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন ও টিউশন ফি জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date: 12-11-2020)

Notice: First, Second, Third & Final Professional MBBS examination 2020 will be held on the third week of January 2021, (Date: 10-11-2020)

Notice: ২য় ও ৩য় বৃত্তিমুলক এমবিবিএস-বিডিএস পরীক্ষার অনুমতি প্রদান সংক্রান্ত ২৭.১০.২০২০, (Date: 27-10-2020)

Notice: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Professional MBBS Examination-2020, (Date: 19-10-2020)

Notice: Examination Schedule of Final Professional MBBS May 2020, (Date: 23-09-2020)

Notice: Hostel Reopen for the Final Prof. MBBS Examinee of May & July 2020, (Date: 19-09-2020)

Notice: Final Professional MBBS Examination of May & July 2020, (Date: 16-09-2020)

Notice: Online Class Routine, (Date: 08-08-2020)

Notice: Attend online Class (Carry on basis) Date: 30-07-2020

Notice: Eligible List for Final Professional MBBS Examination, May-2020, (Date:08-07-2020)

[All the eligible students are requested to clear the dues within one week to appear in the examination.]

Notice: Eligible List for 3rd Professional MBBS Examination, May-2020, (Date:08-07-2020)

[All the eligible students are requested to clear the dues within one week to appear in the examination.]

Notice: Eligible List for 2nd Professional MBBS Examination, May-2020, (Date:08-07-2020)

[All the eligible students are requested to clear the dues within one week to appear in the examination.]

Notice: Eligible List for 1st Professional MBBS Examination, May-2020, (Date:08-07-2020)

[All the eligible students are requested to clear the dues within one week to appear in the examination.]

Notice: Online Class (Item Card), (Date:04-07-2020)

Notice: Submission of Eligible List, (Date:01-07-2020)

News : Recruitment Notice-2020,(Date: 16-06-2020)

Notice: ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের বেতন ও টিউশন ফি জমা করন প্রসঙ্গে। (Date:29-04-2020)

Notice: Mujib Borsho Celebration Committee-2020, (Date:04-02-2020)

News:  ১ম বর্ষ (১৫তম ব্যাচ) ২০১৯-২০২০ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ওরিয়েন্টেশন প্রোগ্রাম, (Date:07-01-2020)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (দরিদ্র ও মেধাবী কোটা), সেশনঃ (২০১৯-২০২০)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Poor & Meritorious Quota) for the session: 2019-2020, (Date:22-12-2019)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (A-Z তালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০১৯-২০২০)_MBBS Course Admission Result (A-Z List) for the session: 2019-2020, (Date:05-12-2019)

Notice:  এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তির ফলাফল (মেধাতালিকা), সেশনঃ (২০১৯-২০২০)_MBBS Course Admission Result (Merit List) for the session: 2019-2020, (Date:27-11-2019)

Notice: এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি, সেশনঃ (২০১৯-২০২০)_MBBS Course Admission Circular for the session: 2019-20, (Date:07-11-2019)

Notice: এমবিবিএস কোর্সে ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০১৯, (Date:20-08-2019)

Notice: Holiday, (Date:05-08-2019)

Notice: Attend on classes and ward duties of Third, Fourth & Fifth year students, (Date:29-07-2019)

News : Joining of New Intern Doctor, (Date: 07-07-2019)

News : Recruitment Notice-2019,(Date: 30-05-2019)

Notice: Form Fillup_1st Professional MBBS Examination May’2019 under Chattogram Medical University, (Date:30-04-2019)

News : জাতীয় স্বাস্থ্য সেবা সপ্তাহ উদযাপন- ২০১৯,(Date: 24-04-2019)

News : Celebration of Bangla New Year-1426,(Date: 17-04-2019)

News : Recruitment Notice-2019,(Date: 03-03-2019)

News : Recruitment Notice-2019,(Date: 20-01-2019)

News : Election Result of Governing Body-2019,(Date: 17-01-2019)

News : List of Nominated Candidate for Election of Governing Body-2019,(Date: 15-01-2019)

News : Election of Governing Body (Teacher’s & Guardian) Tafsil (Corrected)-2019,(Date: 10-01-2019)

News : Election of Governing Body (Teacher’s & Guardian) Tafsil-2019,(Date: 03-01-2019)

News : Joining of New Intern Doctor, (Date: 28-11-2018)

Notice: MBBS Admission Test Result (General) for the Session:2018-19, (Date:25-11-2018)

Notice: MBBS Admission Test Result (Governing Body) for the Session:2018-19, (Date:25-11-2018)

Notice: MBBS Admission Test Result (Freedom Fighter) for the Session:2018-19, (Date:25-11-2018)

Notice: Admission Circular for the session: 2018-19, Paper Advertisement (Date:10-11-2018)

Notice: Admission Circular for the session: 2018-19, (Date:08-11-2018)

News : Recruitment Notice-2018,(Date: 05-11-2018)

News : Recruitment Notice-2018,(Date: 09-10-2018)

News : Recruitment Notice-2018,(Date: 03-07-2018)

News : Recruitment Notice-2017,(Date: 28-08-2017)

News : Recruitment Notice-2016,(Date: 19-09-2016)

Notice: MBBS Admission 1st Waiting Result for the Session:2017-18

Notice: Time Extension of Form Sale for the session:2017-18

Notice: Admission Circular for the session: 2017-18

Notice: Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC) Recognition Update, upto 2016-17

Notice: New BMDC Regulation

Notice: MBBS Admission Test Result (1st Merit List) -2016 The YouTube ID of Insert video URL or ID here is invalid.

Notice: Professional Examination of MBBS Routine

Notice: 2nd Professional Examination of MBBS (4th Year) will be held on July-2016

Notice:2nd Professional Examination May 2016

28,102 thoughts on “Notice: New MBBS Admission Circular  for the session: 2023-2024, (Date:29-08-2024)

  1. Jag vill tacka er så mycket för ert fantastiskt idoga arbete som ni bjudit oss läsare på. Så mycket goda vinare! Hoppas att er lyckliga stjärna lyser lika starkt över er även 2008. Jag är en trogen läsare.Vi drack också Bitl-carleSalmons halvflaska på nyårsafton, vilket vin! Kull att den trängde sig in på topptolv! Då vet jag vad det för klass på det ni rankat.Mvh Johan

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  4. Srs., Eu recomendo este serviço de transporte na República Dominicana. Nestes tempos em que há uma certa preocupação em nosso país por meio do índice de criminalidade, nos dá uma segurança, decente e, acima de tudo extremamente pontual, limpo unidade e tudo parece novo. Obrigado que estão trazendo de volta o direito de desfrutar de nosso país!!!, Uma saudação muito calorosa ao Sr.. Valdemar.Lucy & Donny BakerDallas, Tx

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  7. Yes…I recognise that moment of ‘Wow, where did that come from?’ …knowing it wasn’t what I usually think of as ‘me’ that just did this, but something that came from somewhere much deeper. Those moments are filled with an amazed and speechless gratitude.More and more moments are.Thank you for this sharing.

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  11. Hello there Everyone, I can’t believe this a royal wedding ceremony My spouse and i can’t wait to observe Prince William along with Kate get betrothed I wish them good fortune in the world and welcome the good news of a brand-new Princess over here in the united kingdom

  12. Excellent read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!

  13. So true. Health insurance is one of the major reasons people are afraid to become self employed, and the concern is legitimate. You have to have some form of coverage in place before quitting a job with benefits, otherwise you can be wiped out from a single health event.

  14. You have to give kudos to a lady who gives her all to helping people with mental illness. They are deserving of respect, a roof over their head, good food, and a supportive/loving environment. Mary provides all this and more. Great job, Mary!

  15. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Castro selected. James just doesn’t make contact often enough although I agree with the ide to scrap the switch hitting. The Phils might take a shot at a 3B Rule 5 if they see someone they like and they can’t sign anyone. They won’t waste a spot on a pitcher or outfielder. It only costs $25K to kick the tires on someone. I’m wondering if they’ll consider Raburn for a minor league deal with a spring training invite.

  16. Ya, I’m pretty much jealous now. That sounds like a blast, I have to say! I guess it would be different if you and your family didn’t get along, but it sounds like you do! Scotland…Wow. I wanna come!!! Oh how I need to get out of town. 😉

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  18. I’m backing a real “Ed”…Ed Balls…The guy that’s The Labour Man ready to be Labour Leader without his mum in the background tearing her heart out betwixt fractious competing siblings as Mrs. Miliband must be plucking heartstrings either for her boy David or for her young Ed.

  19. From the moment I had seen the trailer, I knew this will play divisive. I can see now the battle of words and ideas between both the parties on either side of it. Anyways .. cinema is as much about invoking and invigorating people. Will check this out definitely.

  20. Yeah, it’s sad HH mode turned out the way it did, I was kind of excited to see what that sort of game would be like with a FF twist to it. Maybe a proper standalone game? That kind of sounds like asking for trouble though By the way, great avatar. I adore Asano.

  21. The other day I went out with Tim on his boat for a Wakeboard sesion and I must say. He knows what hes talking about when it comes to the water. He showed me how to wakeboard for an hour and it was a great experience for me and I will definitely be going back out there. Thanks Tim…

  22. I am loving this cookbook. The lentil chili is really good. I did, however, use regular salted Imagine no-chicken broth. The Spanish chickpea stew is also excellent. My 10 year old daughter told me it smelled like eggrolls when I was cooking for it. She even tried some and liked it.

  23. they are a conservative and are on your side."That was the intent of the War of 1968–to create a class of Manchurian zealots tied to an untenable ideology and then to subjugate them.The birfers are OUR Manchurian zealots.

  24. this guy is full of shit. He isn't a veteran couldn't finish basic training. He AWOL! Nothing but a small time drug dealer who had his own demons & lived off his ugly ass girlfriend money & other people kindness. I know this dude & he is a liar. Trust me he would fuck you over if you sleep on him.

  25. Bravo Sylvain pour ce trait d’humour (volontaire?) : parler de blanc quand tout le monde revient de vacances tout bronzé…J’ai apprécié la qualité de démonstration des screenshot, j’ai cependant un doute sur le texte justifié. Je me pose quand même une question : A partir de quand la mode a-t-elle été à un design épuré sur le web. Dans mes souvenirs, tous les sites avant étaient archi saturé d’information.

  26. Do you realize how incompetent you sound? total yards is not a good barometer for quality. How many times does this need to be plunged into the shallow minds of niner fans?

  27. 0I’m an Angry Birds fan, been playing since the demo, and I’ll play the Valentines Day edtoiin and this Rio one as well. However, the movie is a bit much for me, but I’m guessing this is for the kids This almost feels like we’re seeing the next pokemon or something. All I know is that Rovio will continue to make some serious bank off this series and rightfully so. You guys (and girls?) are brilliant!

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  30. The other day, while I was at work, my sister stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a twenty five foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is totally off topic but I had to share it with someone!

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  33. RodrigoCimério disse:OBS: Acho que fui o único que não se incomodou com Duke Nukem Forever, apesar da jogabilidade não ser grande coisa e só se poder carregar 2 armas eu curti o jogo no geral. Perto do final tem uma piadinha com Donkey Kong, eu ri XD.

  34. IT’S FUNNY HOW YOU SAY THIS ISN’T AN ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE AUSTRALIA BUT TO UNITE IT! People like you deserve to be shot 13 times or more to come to your racist judgmental senses.Australia is known for its multiracialism and everyone has the right to live here just as you do. And it wasn’t the Africans or Asians who came to this land and murdered and stole someone else’s country!

  35. are you saying all this kids were black? i didn't read that from what you with many things, it comes down to a failure of parenting…stilla panter, i can't stop my son from playing violent xbox games and yes, we live in a america with its unjust wars– but he would not take part in a mob and go bust heads. he wants to go to college and doesn't want a police record and has no reason to attack why aren't these kids thinking that way? there's no future for them that they care not to fuck up?

  36. I strongly support your efforts to promote the use of stories to teach science and history. They show these subjects as human endeavors and are interesting to children. Here are a few of my favorites:Aronson, Marc. IF STONES COULD SPEAK.Berger, Lee, and Aronson, Mark. THE SKULL IN THE ROCK.Burns, Loree Griffin. THE HIVE DETECTIVESMontgomery, Sy. KAKAPO RESCUEMarkle, Sandra. THE CASE OF THE VANISHING GOLDEN FROGS. My major requirement when using stories is that they should be as accuracte as possible and that the author shares with the reader how he or she found that information.

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  40. f6Roberta, comigo esta acontecendo a msm coisa. Vou esperar completar 2 meses para entrar em contato com a Asos. Será possível uma encomenda com número de rastreio desaparecer?

  41. giovanni speranon né possiamo più! Il prossimo sindaco deve avere gli attributi di dimezzare se non di più gli addetti della Gesip. Basta la metà degli addetti per fare il lavoro che fanno gli attuali 1800. Siamo stanchi di vedere scene per strada dove uno lavora, 5 cazzeggiano e noi paghiamo per dar da mangiare a dei parassiti.

  42. infelizmente pertence à mesma concepção de entanto há variados graus de envolvimento e uns são mais perniciosos que outrosparece vingança divina ou diabólica tentar consertar o que quase todos ajudaram a estragarLineu sobre o homem e Coleridge usaram o aforismo Délfico'conhece te a ti próprio': (gnôthi seauton) revelado pelo periegeta Pausânias

  43. Ai talkki on Paha? Ja minä kun olen kuvitellut, että jos sitä voidaan vauvoihin tuprutella, niin sen on oltava turvallista… Pitänee harkita perunajauhoon siirtymistä tai jotain.

  44. nearly as much as most chefs but they do make an occasional appearance in my cooking. When I was cooking for my dad I quickly found out how much he LOVES onion. He would buy them by the bag full. Since he was moving

  45. Scrivi il tuo commento Puoi usare questi tags HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : ‘red’, lang : ‘en’ , tabindex : 5 };   #submit {display:none;}

  46. ah i wish i could check out the collection, but i just moved to south america where there's no h&m 🙁 and i'm keeping myself from the h&m website because i might get mildly depressed if i see anything i love but can't buy!

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  49. disappointed? nope, not at all. glad nokia is staying true to the wp8 platform instead of jumping into the over-populated pool of android-based devices. they’ve already got a fresh start with the lumia 920 — why mess it up?

  50. Doug, thanks for your detailed response, informative as always. I can’t wait to see what Sumoman has to say, although I fear his dry British humour (which I appreciate so much) occasionally gets lost in translation…

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  53. Siganus : «il n’y a guère il était question de l’influence que le métier des uns et des autres peut avoir sur leur identité, sur leur personnalité, sur leur être».Voulez- vous parler de déformation professionnelle?Je n’ai jamais castré qui que ce soit en dehors de mes horaires de travail! Je plaisante, bien sûr, mais à y bien réfléchir, peut-être ai-je tendance à chercher partout la petite bête?A ce propos*, et votre nouveau job?* à propos de métier, pas de bête.

  54. JMA – I think you are absolutely right. One thing that comes to mind to prove what you say: read the people’s comments in Noticias 24 from both sides, chavistas and oppo.Now back to the arrogance thing: the oil and the nuevorriquismo condition to be a cause? Maybe the weather that make people take production fro granted? A combination of both? What else?

  55. admin napsal:Základy abletonu. omlouvám se, ale začátek to nikde nemá. To co najdeš na stánkách jsou veškeré informace co jsem dal dohromady. Samozřejmě mě moc těší zájem a rád na dotazy odpovím. s pozdravem Dava

  56. Looking amazing yet again Vix! I love the velvet bag! You sound like me I forget what clothes I have! Always nice when you find a surprise though!Looked at the photos below and I am consumer with jealousy! Glasto looked amazing, I watched it on TV. You looked like you had such a good time too!Sophiex

  57. I don’t want to brag too much, but with the freed up money invested [not the down payment, but the incremental cash] we’ve probably managed to have the option of Hunter’s mom staying home with him if she wants.Gives the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! a very different and strikingly positive connotation 🙂 🙂 🙂

  58. A Replicante Cattivo:se è per questo, a volte la trama è talmente corta che… devono riscrivere due volte le stesse righe per coprire lo spazio necessario.Poi sarei curioso di sapere chi cura quella di Nero Wolfe: quando l'attivo come titolo della trasmissione appare "Francesco Pannofino", poi una serie di asterischi, seguiti dall'elenco degli attori (a cui manca proprio colui che interpreta il personaggio principale) e poi finalmente la trama…

  59. What a nice campaign! giving young people a choice to progress is wonderfull! I’m so happy that i can see something like that in this kind of world! Vetpercentage vrouwen (excuse me for my bad english!)

  60. Oh, how funny! I knit scarves for many family members for Christmas, and sewed heart patches on each one!And I’m glad you point out the benefits of handkerchiefs! I thought they were nerdy (as the only person I know who uses them is my dad) until this summer, when I realized how practical they are! Personally, I’m a fan of the girly, ornate, antiquey ones…

  61. Trovarsi in casa da sola quando la mia Sciusci (ovvero la mia nana, non mi chiedere da dove è nato il soprannome perchè non ne ho idea) è fuori col babbo come adesso è mooooltoooo rilassante…senti che silenzio…ecco: probabilmete il mio Buddha è il silenzio…relax allo stato puro!Wonder posso chiederti come mai hai tolto i collegamenti con gli altri blog dal tuo sito?

  62. Moja kochana Oluniu Mukolinko z Opola Chcę Tobie podziękować też za kartkę którą do mnie przysłałaś Ciekawe czy kiedyś odwiedzę Opole z którego przysłałaś mi pocztówkę a gdzie mieszkasz Tam widzę całkiem ładnie jest Oluniu dziękuję

  63. Dorival Fernandes Camara Junior / Isso eu até concordo, mas não é o que realmente acontece. As matérias que leio eles são bem enfáticos em dizer que onde não existe água não pode existir vida.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 5

  64. My developer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on numerous websites for about a year and am worriedabout switching to another platform. I have heard good things about Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress posts into it?Any help would be really appreciated!

  65. Comme d hab ! Belle histoire ! Vous pouvez raconté toute l histoire SVP vous oubliez de dire que les f m on tué des policier,des hommes politique ect ect …Posé des bombe ! Fau pas le dire on pouraient comprendre Assade non .Ne pas dire toute la verité c est mentire !!!!!!

  66. If they keep it up, when the Cosmos arrive they won’t have to worry about fans showing up, the US National team can just use the stadium as a training facility on the East coast (Iknow they have the HDC in Los Angeles). Seriously though, I feel that “IF” a pretty big if, they find the right manager to lead the team and remove waste of space (Marquez if he’s going to mess around, and Miller) in addition add some good players through the draft and get some players in the transfer window, they could build some consistency into the future.

  67. Ensiksikin, kiitokset mainiosta blogista! Oletkohan muuten lukenut Michael Pollanin kirjan “Oikean ruoan puolesta”? Se on täyttä kemppariasiaa, loistavaa maalaisjärkistä (ja ajankohtaista) tekstiä. Suosittelen lämpimästi!Saksassa kannattaa muuten haalia käsiinsä tuo jo aikaisemmin mainittu ÖkoTest-lehti, siinä on joka kuukausi tuhti paketti kullanarvoista tietoa tuotteiden kemikaali- ym. pitoisuuksista puolueettomalta taholta.Äänestyksestä, itse olisin kahden blogin kannalla. Muoti- ja musajutut eivät itseäni kauheasti kiinnosta.- Pisara

  68. Great glimpse into your recycling adventures, Abby! Glad to see you are taking the fragility of Earth seriously. And I was just cleaning out a jar of peanut butter to prepare for recycling! Not pleasant business…

  69. but Milwaukee beats the pants off AustinExcuse me, but duh. Austin is home to t.u. and filled with girly-men trying to impress each other, only occasionally thinking about impressing the coeds who attend school with them.Do they have Harley? Or Miller? I think not, hey?Harley is overrated, if only because of the association with bike gangs. The average Harley rider I see is a 50-something couple attempting to recapture their Easy Rider youth.As for Miller: Shiner >>> Miller.

  70. You are too funny! Thanks so much. I am so glad you found something to engage with here. I appreciate your feedback and you are welcome to write a blog-of-your-own comment here anytime! Thank you, thank you for the words of affirmation!!!

  71. I am a little offended by the Dan Patrick show quip, so please take it back. The show is centered around sports, and is honestly a much funnier show than you give credit to. By saying it is a Howard stern for squares puts a negative/dorky connotation to the show that may disengage potential viewers to the show. This would be a disservice to those who don’t really know the show, so you should not do that. Thanks.

  72. C’est A-SO-RA-BLE! J’adore les petites décos que tu as mises sur chaque page comme si c’étaient des décorations de noël! C’est vraiment très très joli et j’aime beaucoup tes papiers !

  73. Hello…Thanks a lot for your interesting post. I have been searching for such message for a extremely long time. Not all your content material is completely clear to me, even though it is certainly interesting and worth reading….

  74. Sentinel you are a nut.Hey Epa, I haven’t received my check from the World Zionist Conspiracy Organization yet this month, have you?I’m getting a little bit pissed off about it. Every fucking month, those Jews are late with my fucking check, and sometimes, they don’t send the whole amount, and I have to call them and get them to send me the rest.If this keeps up, I’m gonna fucking blow the lid on their whole conspiracy.Are you with me?

  75. I have a question:The last thing mentioned in the review: I’m not sure, I’m understanding this right – does it mean that you can’t delete the last overdub while continuing playing the thing you recorded first?Did you find this review helpful?  

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  78. Hola Priscila:Pienso que lo importante no es quien es mejor cantante, sino quien realmente lo hace de corazón y la que canta con el sentimiento mas profundo. Si crees que realmente puedes participar ese show de talentos, hazlo no tengas miedo y demuestra quien realmente eres.A la otra que es muy presumida déjala, sabias que la gente presume algo cuando carece de eso.Bueno espero haberte ayudado en algo, deseándote mucha suerte en tu decisión, por que al final la ultima palabra la tienes Tu, Besos Isabel

  79. Thanks for your marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will ensure that I bookmark your blog and may come back in the foreseeable future. I want to encourage continue your great posts, have a nice holiday weekend!

  80. James,Your leverage calculation has at least three basic errors in it.1. You get 28% by subtracting percentages (not a mathematically valid thing to do.)2. You subtract percentages of different things – inflation rate and a leverage ratio. This is just meaningless.3. You take the mortgage percentage and apply it to the down payment not the amount borrowed.Do it in dollar space (e.g. $10K down on a $100K house, $3K ROR, $2K of inflation, 6% on a $90K note,) and you will get a reasonable leverage number.

  81. Well, will be going to Sonisphere then. Hope they play a couple of new tracks, but regardless, this has made my year.Hoping for a proper balls out, nothing held back in the tank performance. FNM, quote me happy!

  82. Meh, alla har väl rätt till sin åsikt. Om hon inte gillar hundar, so what? Tror inte hon menar att man ska flå alla hundar och använda som päls. Varför måste allt grävas så djupt? Gillar inte hennes blogg och läser den inte heller.

  83. scrive:Wonderful products from an individual, man. I have got understand your stuff before and you happen to be just very magnificent. I truly like precisely what you’ve obtained here, certainly like what you are stating and just how you say it. You help it become entertaining and also you still take care of to preserve it sensible. I can’t wait to see far more from a person. This is truly a tremendous site.

  84. Olá, Rafael AmaroObrigado pela participação, pois é muito importante para direcionar novos posts.Para melhores orientações, consulte o seu médico, ok?Seguindo as , infelizmente não estarei respondendo diretamente as perguntas nos comentários; faremos novos posts relacionados ao tema ou atualizaremos os posts prévios.Grande abraço.Leonardo.

  85. Quando eu falei que apostava no Estudiante e que eu não vi ele jogar, foi porque acho que o Estudiantes passa pelo Inter, entendeu, era so uma opinião, E fico muito grato pelas resposta que o senhor me da, pois é o unico Blog que tem respostas. os outros so postam o comentario e pronto. o senhor e diferente. Abrs.

  86. nah. i don't think guru wrote this either. i'm not buying. this correspondence is way too convenient for solar and there is personal stuff said here that no one with an ounce of class, let alone someone who knew he was going to meet his maker, would ever write.

  87. My wife and I have a tendency to kill digital cameras, but I bought this case for my wife’s new camera and it is the best decision I ever made. The case not only looks great but protects the camera well too!!! Highly recommend this case to anyone who likes to use their camera in a variety of situations, where the camera might get damaged, such as out hiking or boating and fishing. The case does a great job of protecting the camera while it is being transported, plus the case is small and light, which makes it convenient when traveling.

  88. – so you’re a hyper-liberal, huh? both sides suffer from down syndrome, bud. if anything, the liberals are just as big of traitors for not following the principles held within the constitution. look at the dipshit running the country, and that cuntbag, pelosi. just remember that america is a republic, as how it was founded.

  89. James, thanks for your open expression on this matter. It just shows that good clean SEO is always the best way, trying to “game” the search engines only works for a short time, so for a long term strategy proper techniques need to be applied.

  90. “Dirk, are you familiar with the climate history of the Earth? Even hundreds of millions of years ago when the sun was substantially cooler, the Earth’s climate was often hotter than today.”And the Earth’s atmosphere was much denser than today, and contained nearly no oxygen. The comparison doesn’t hold on multiple levels. Without oxygen, there can have been no water cycle as we know it today. There were no photosynthesizing organisms.

  91. Unquestionably believe whatever you stated. Your favored justification were at the net the simplest factor to take into consideration of. I tell you, I definitely get frustrated while other folks think about problems that they just do not recognise about. You were able to hit the nail upon the superior as smartly outlined out the whole lot with simply no need side-effects, people could take a signal. Will be again to get more. Thank an individual

  92. White text on black is at least more or less readable. I’ve seen all too many other combinations that are much harder–red on black, for instance, or red on green which for some people with impaired color vision can be completely invisible. And I’ve seen some shades of gray on white or dark gray that totally elude my failing vision.

  93. Hey Ceri, yes I read about your foot and I’m very sorry about it! Be strong! And when it heals you’ll enjoy the ability to move around sooo much. That’s why every cloud has a silver lining!giuliadventures recently posted..

  94. Let's see. I can go watch a French-Made Silent Movie about the Golden Age of Hollywood, or I can watch Terrorists receive their Just Rewards. Hmmm, decisions, decisions….Oh, FWIW, that Submarine that delivers SEALs? I used to call that Class of Sub "Home."Too bad I'm shaving with it's siblings."41 for Freedom!"

  95. gw masalahinnya di pemakaian kata “yoga” secara spesifik. kalo kata “yoga” dihilangkan, itu lebih masuk akal. penyebutan “haram” bukanlah rasis… tapi kan sebagai tuntunan untuk intern umat islam… seperti babi misalnya… bagi islam itu mutlak haram.. tapi non muslim ya dipersilahkan mo melihara babi, makan babi, dsb… itu adalah HAM buat non muslim… orang islam gak berhak ngelarang non muslim makan babi.

  96. I work mostly with my laptop, an iBook G4, which has, of course, a flat screen. However, I still use my old G4 desktop with a CRT when I do photo editing; the colors just appear truer. Have any of the new flat screen monitors come close to that kind of color rendering?

  97. Ahh! Bradbury nous fait une Bradburite: un mélange d’emphase mal placée, et de lieux communs dignes du café du commerce, un ton de donneur de leçons et un raisonnement pathétiquement borné. Ah j’oubliais, quelques petites insultes pour les anti VO: (paranoiaque, aveugle, malhonnète, et débile), et une identification narcissique à ce que devrait être une autorité infaillible.ça fait beaucoup, mais un jour, peut être, tu lacheras prise, et tu verras: ta vie n’en dépend pas… si, si, je t’assure même lucide on peut vivre et on peut avoir des amis,.

  98. Whether I am few or many, why shouldn’t I be acknowledged?Your argument, to me, is dismissive, perhaps only because you see us as the few.There are many manifestations of paganism, but most of us recognise each other by the symbol of the pentacle. Not unlike christians (with few exceptions) that regardless of their differences would recognise each other by the ‘cross’.Why would you suggest that we are not afforded the same recognition.And for those that don’t know and they seem many, pagans do NOT believe in a devil (just too too last century).Blessed be.

  99. I am a new user. I try to run the example code at the first page, but it doesn’t work, I get the error message :layoutPostX is null in the 379 line of dracula_graph.jsThis is my jsp file:chatvar g = new Graph();g.addEdge(“strawberry”, “cherry”);g.addEdge(“strawberry”, “apple”);g.addEdge(“strawberry”, “tomato”);g.addEdge(“tomato”, “apple”);g.addEdge(“tomato”, “kiwi”);g.addEdge(“cherry”, “apple”);g.addEdge(“cherry”, “kiwi”);var layouter = new Graph.Layout.Spring(g);layouter.layout();var renderer = new Graph.Renderer.Raphael(‘canvas’, g, 400, 300);renderer.draw();

  100. Nobody wants to eat lunch with Kath, because she doesn’t let them eat their own meal; I’m sure she would insist they split something, because she’s cheap. And no one wants to grab Starbucks with her, for fear of getting coffee tossed on them.

  101. Dreambes, je veux pas te manquer de respect, ou te paraitre condescendant, mais franchement, pourquoi tu l’ouvre? Cette album, Wars of the roses, est plein de bonnes idées, mais c’est vrai, la piste Providence avec ses coeurs c’est mauvais et pas à sa place…et l album dans l ensemble laisse une impression de "j ai raté le c…

  102. Yurina would be my second favourite Berry (closely following Maa) – and ranks high in a H!P-wide ranking. I think she is probably the cutest member of Berryz and has one of the more unique voices in Hello!Project I think. I’d love to see her get a second photobook, although it’s only been a year since her last one – I think there are a couple other deserving members who have yet to get photobooks first.

  103. Gracias por completar la información, ese articulo es muy interesante también. Igualmente puedes leer este otro artículo que también tiene relación con el que nos has enviado

  104. We stumbled over here coming from a different web address and thought I should check things out.I like what I see so i am just following you. Look forward to checking out your web page again.Have a look at my weblog ;

  105. à°šాà°²ా à°¸ంà°¤ోà°·à°®ంà°¡ీ…..à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ూ ! à°®ీà°²ాంà°Ÿి à°µాà°³్à°³ వల్à°² ….à°µిà°—్à°°à°¹ాà°²ు à°§్à°µంసమైà°¨ా …ఇలా à°† à°°ూà°ªాà°²ు à°®ా à°•à°³్à°³ à°®ుంà°¦ు కదలాà°¡ుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¯ి !

  106. I’ll add that you continue to insult the victims of the unbridled genocide of abortion.You discriminate against human beings based upon time and development. That is actually worse than the Nazis in a way, since time and development is a factor of all human life, not just Jews.Your warped view is actually incredibly dangerous.

  107. CONT aboveIf I copy the 17 Add nos into the WOW trail interface/add Add ons folder I get a some boxes in the left corner saying add ons, I check everything including old Adds Ons and uncheck professions.Open WOW from trail as other icon in full client is windows and discussed and game loads ok, with guide open, however as soon as I click on a quest it crashes out of WOW and a log is created to send to Blizzard.Zygor? member hs stated that WOW trial is not supported, although this may be guff

  108. Constructive Feedback,I visited your "blogs". No one comments.So my guess is that since you have no audience to listen to your drivel, you come here and try to gain a following.LOL! No one wants to read your junk.I have my issues with Field but at least he is interesting.

  109. Hallo,könnt Ihr mir mal bitte verraten was genau für RCS-e und gegen diverse Messenger und z.B. Skype spricht?Denn wenn dort die Preise genau so überteuert sind wie bei den SMS ist das jetzt schon zum scheitern verurteilt.Man hätte nicht anfangen sollen die Kunden mit den SMS/MMS abzuziehen. Dann hätten es auch Dienste wie Whatsapp viel schwerer gehabt, denn nicht jeder hat ja ein Smartphone.

  110. Thanks for the comments Reiko – I agree individual attributes are essential, but I’ve found in my work that in an effort to be color blind or to fit in some lose track of the impact of culture, ethnicity, and/or race on who they are. I will post something after the event.

  111. Yes exactly, me too. I am quite happy to co-exist with little spiders (especially the ones outside – I welcome them), but this guy was in a whole different league! I’ve never seen one that big before, never mind right above my head!

  112. There are a ton of free tools out there to help you get backlinks, including Onlywire for social networking links and Social Monkee for bookmarking links. No matter what, focus should be on content, but the tools to help backlinking tasks are out there depending on your goals.

  113. bdy For me, I find that it all depends upon what level of focus and concentration I require. For instance, if I’m writing or proofreading, I need no distractions. If I’m just doing general work, then I like something like SFMoMA’s GrooveSalad. Generally speaking, dance music is not conducive for my line of work (legal work), unless I’m doing heavy duty, labor-intensive tasks (e.g., discovery document production, filing), in which case, anything that’ll elevate my mood is more than welcome!

  114. Hi SusanI've learnt a lot from the duplicating series, but happy to move onto something new: the blog has to be fun for you as well! And incidentally, I don't think it matters if you take a break for the odd day (or even two or three …) Sometimes the slow little brains of your readers need time to take in and review what we've been learning!Maybe we could come up with some ideas for a series, perhaps problems we encounter … mine would be: why am I always shampoo-challenged, even after perusing your e-book? Conditioners fine, but shampoo ….

  115. sedat içli diyor ki:slm ben bingöldensedat alçıboya ve ısı yalıtım montalama ustasıyım 12 yıldır bu iişi yapıyorum kendime güvenim var yurtdışında çalışmışlığım var iş arıyorum güven istiyorum enkısa zamanda bekliyorum saygılarımla tlf :05318174573

  116. I have been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this web site. Thank you, I¡¦ll try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your site?

  117. Love the pattern and I think it’s good sense to use it for a baby blanket because in the beginning babies see black and white colours the best. And I really like the yellow edge! Any baby would be lucky to cuddle in that softness 🙂

  118. Bonjour,Nous ne présentons qu’une sélection de modèles sur le blog, vous trouverez plus de modèles sur notre site (notamment à moins de 3000€).Mais nous vous invitons à vous rendre directement en magasin, nous établissons des devis avec plan 3D gratuitement.A votre disposition pour plus d’informations !

  119. There is a story behind this Palamalai temple…… You should visit the temple and buy the book where they have written about the history of this temple and the Pond…..Its interesting and i am sure that you will feel some kind of a vibration here….

  120. I remember curling half of my bangs up and half down, so they sort of looked like 2 carrots, stacked. Then I’d massacre them with hairspray, feather them, shape them into an oval with my 2 hands cupped around them, then massacre them again with hairspray. I think everyone looked a little awkward in the 80′s. I also wore those black tapered guess jeans with the ankle zipper and bow. I am SO glad those days are long gone!

  121. Hello…I feel like I’m constantly looking for interesting issues to read about a variety of subjects, but I manage to incorporate your blog among my reads every day because you’ve compelling entries that I look forward to. Here’s hoping there’s a whole lot m…

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  124. is a liar and crazy nut , type a trip to the supernatural on you tube their are 7 parts , watch untill you reach the part of the golden dawn , thats were a x? satanist tell about satans plan to amaze mankind with the idea of aliens , it will shock and amaze you , thios vidoe was made well before thisDr Steven Greer Guy appeared , and he tells you satan will gathers people to promote the idea of aliens by creating bright lights and shapes in the skies

  125. Ã…h, det här mÃ¥ste jag ju spela! Tyävrr har jag nÃ¥gra levlar kvar innan jag vÃ¥gar ta mig an det…Sen lockar ju Dragon Age och MW2 rackans mycket :(Bra skrivet tycker jag, precis sÃ¥nt man vill veta innan man bestämmer för sig om det är värt att handlas eller inte.

  126. Il y a pas un truc dans la Bible ou l'Islam, ou plutôt dans leurs prophéties qui parlent de Rivières rouges sang????? Il me semble avoir lu sa un jour mais impossible de remettre la main dessus, si quelqu'un voit de quoi j'parle, qu'il n'hésite pas. 😉

  127. disse:Liana, a mulher moderna, em sua maioria precisa trabalhar. E o que você faz é conscientizar as meninas de que elas também precisam buscar o empoderamento, e que não reproduzam o mesmo contexto de subordinação e estagnação a que muitas mulheres são submetidas. É importante observar que, muitas mulheres, que trabalham como domésticas, estudam e tomam consciência de seus direitos. Duvido que estas sejam tratadas como mucamas.beijo, menina

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  129. It shocks me to hear of your getting such emails and comments. Folks who don’t know the first thing about writing should feel lucky that there are those who do and spend their time imagining wonderful stories, then working to get them published for the rest of us to enjoy. I love your works and those of many other writers and it doesn’t matter to me when a book comes out. I will read it when it does and enjoy it more for the waiting for it. Don’t let them get to you. Continue to do what you love and do best.

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  133. Great to hear from you! I honestly know that all of Texas has not lost its mind and that intelligent people are there, like you, that are ignored as talk about the insanity in Texas is the end-all. Texas was the very first state that adopted biblical reference in its Republican Party platform in the 1990s and it has spread like a virus since then. Hang in there! Keep screaming…we know you are there and are grateful.

  134. that physiognomy of a man matches his character and that man has physiognomy of a rat.By the way i like Alex. He was excellent yesterday. I hope that he will play against us. We do not have Carlton Cole.And….?? – ????????? ???????????? ???????!!!What , you do not speak Russian, the language of your boss without whom you would be a scum? Get down to work my friends.R.K, R.M, SAF.Reply

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  139. By all standards he is a Nigerian. let us not disperse colour race or other social vices. He has fulfilled the one of the criteria s proscribed by the UN which warrants a foreigner to acquire right of citizenship of his host society after ten years of protracted stay. This man have thus satisfied all righteousness that should earn him the Green Passport. Concerned authorities pls take note, act fast and…

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  141. oi cah… confesso a vc q gostei so dos colares, e de algumas vestidos, ahhh queria te dizer q nao fico um dia sem entrar em seu blog amo d +++++++++. queria muito participar deste sorteio mas nao consigo me cadastrar no yuo tube. feliz ano novo cah tudo de bom pra vc e seu marido. []

  142. Oh dear and oh so true. People ask me too ‘how are you, how’s that Crohns thing going?’And I end up saying 10 poos down 10 to go and feel like I’m being turned inside out! (to the look of horror)I now nod and smile and stay dosed on codeine,my pal for life. The only person I’m honest with is my nan who has colitis. We share many bum stories ha ha! Great blog Ben, looking forward to the next read

  143. mattTim, if ur going to be a douche about the science behind us not being inter connected through the universe I would advise you to look up quantum entanglement theory… love ya Davey!!! O and thanks to you I have built up the courage to come out to my parents! Wish me luck, I’m only 16 and live in semi conservative Kansas but you have really played an important role in my developing as a gay man keep up the good work and hope all goes well with Zack;)

  144. that, permit me say to you what did give good results. The article (parts of it) can be pretty convincing which is possibly why I am making the effort in order to comment. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. Secondly, while I can notice a leaps in reason you make, I am not necessarily confident of how you appear to connect your points which inturn help to make the final result. For now I will, no doubt subscribe to your position however trust in the future you connect your facts better.

  145. congrat to Sexy Zone bacause of the concerts and the anime too :Di hope they will enjoy the concerts and won’t get too tired ^^and happy birthday to everyone :DXDAlles Gute zum Geburtstag Kamichan~(heute ist dein Geburtstag, richtig? ^^”)

  146. sinceramente, católico que vota nesse Chalita, que agora apoia explicitamente o candidato do kit-gay, merece ajoelhar no milho por umas três horas seguidas ate que retome a vergonha na cara,,,

  147. “Long time no see” has been collected into the Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. It is regarded by the English people as (informal) idiomatic English. (Reference: AP Cowie et al eds. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English – Volume 2: Phrase, Clause and Sentence Idioms. Oxford University Press. 1984

  148. 18/11/2011 at 12:59 · Hi bạn, bài này do LÆ°Æ¡ng Ngọc Thúy dịch từ nguồn Spoongraphics, má»™t sá»± trùng hợp khi chọn bài dịch! Nếu lấy bài từ đâu thì RGB sẽ ghi nguồn trang đấy!

  149. Profesjonalny winien kalibrację plotera zrealizować po każdej interwencji serwisowej, nawet gdyby była to tylko wymiana paska napędzającego w ploterze czy też wymiana rolki transferowej. Ważne jest to, że aby osiągnąć imponujący wydruk, to wzorcowanie plotera musi się przeprowadzać w zasadzie dla dowolnego typu papieru. Więcej:

  150. about women. Over the years, I heard lots of clever interpretations and scripture-twisting to explain why it was okay for women to preach from the pulpit, which shows that given the proper motivation, people can be pulled away from the literalism of the Bible.Duane

  151. Maria, you know I’m so afraid of the Brazilian Keratin Treatments. The look great on many, but my research turned up way too many red flags.So, it only took you 10 months to transition? I haven’t had a relaxer in about 13 months, but it’s no easy task. I have a LOT of relaxed hair and a LOT of natural hair.The two are at odds with one another LOL.Claro que si, I’m going to have to make a decision before spring, otherwise, like you, I’ll look like una bruja LOL.

  152. Don’t most New York women with Allison Williams’ looks just find the richest guy they can find, treat him well until he marries her, then wait about a year, divorce him and take half his money? I mean, I’m ugly and poor, but I assume that’s how it works.

  153. 15/05/2012 en 17:57Hola, yo me he sacado la Cibertarjeta esta misma mañana y la acabo de solicitar, y todo correcto, que bien jejeje, ¿a qué dirección tengo que mandar los documentos? muuuuchas gracias.

  154. Excelente comentário Jorge.. ainda bem que não só por aqui por Portugal mas um pouco por todo o mundo haja verdadeiros católicos, que lutam pela sua Fé e a defendem das heresias actuais sem medos dos homens do meundo!… Poucos, mas bons e com um fé sólida e madura!Um abraço!

  155. What i don’t understood is in reality how you are now not actually a lot more smartly-preferred than you may be now. You’re so intelligent. You already know therefore significantly in the case of this topic, produced me individually imagine it from numerous varied angles. Its like men and women aren’t interested unless it¡¦s one thing to do with Woman gaga! Your individual stuffs nice. All the time take care of it up!

  156. Beneficial Location Hi gentleman the following transpire a number of web page link with the aim of represses information that will a person may possibly acquire positive yourselves. The Significance Verifying away from home.

  157. usually follow the comments on this forum and I have to take note that you mention’d that “Mr Lee”, assuming here you mean Mr Lee Kuan Yew… is a great man. Hmmm… that again is a point of perspective. Not telling you otherwise, but keep an open mind. Things aren’t always what they seem. And no, I disagree with comments regarding singapore not being racist. Yes I agree every country has its problems with regards to racial intergration. But a country which denies that it even exists is delusional. Infact it is quite strong here, the racial tensions.

  158. I think there needs to be a happy medium. I have four kids and live in a house that is only three bedroom, one bath. That’s too small. And I feel that a fireplace in any house of that size is crippling to its functionality. Sure it’s aesthetically pleasing, but it’s an entire wall I can’t use. The thing I want most in our next house is a cellar to lock the kids in when they’re being atrocious, because it’s hard to make them run laps in the winter when there’s three feet of snow on the ground.

  159. Well, I weren't in the spirit of Autumn, I'm sure convinced that the welcome wagon has arrived on this season…love these treats. Gorgeous photo capture Angie ;O)Have a great weekend and flavourful wishes,Claudia

  160. The graph is somewhat misleading. During this period of time the US shed thousands of textile, sewing, shoes, and other types of jobs. Fortunately the low end manufacturing jobs were replaced with airline, computer, and auto production of much higher value. There was productivity gains but most of the increase has been a shift in type of production. As the US continues to lose manufacturing jobs, the country will begin to see a drop in manufacturing output.

  161. Ohh…Trees Three…the one that got away, lol! I dithered for too long and it retired before I realized how much I loved it! (sigh) shoulda, woulda, coulda… Merry Christmas to you and yours, Michelle, and to all my fellow “Zindorf addicts,” too! ~Betsy Z

  162. Well put. I think a lot of attention went to other aspects of this whole spectacle, but ultimately what it boils down to is a mistaken (or just different from my own, I suppose) understanding of the point of sports. Some people think winning is the point. I think winning is the goal, and competing is the point. It may be semantics, but it’s an important difference.

  163. We are a family that just moved from Edmonton to Oliver, and looking to start working.As a handyman, we can do any home labor, like painting, small renovations, basic plumbing, alsoAs an ex technician from TELUS can do telephone wiring, repairs, moving lines, cable TV, small electric repairs and, TV radio and audio repairs. Portrait painting for Christmas present and any other help you may need. Please call to home # 778 439 2052 or cell 780 318 3890. Thank you.

  164. on Fantastic post! I?m just starting out in community management/marketing media and trying to discover how to do it properly – resources like this report are incredibly helpful. As our company is based in the US, it?s all a bit new to us. The example above is something that I worry about as nicely, tips on how to show your own genuine enthusiasm and share the fact that your product is useful in that case

  165. weer een gezellig bericht. en wat leuk kippen, ik heb ze zelf ook ze zijn al 8 jaar oude dames dus. maar ik wil je toch een tip geven over het hok, zorg voor goede ventilatie. kippen hebben snel last van de warmte. het hok moet schaduwrijk staan en onder de nok van het dak, voor en achter, een ventilatie gat [wel gaas er voor]. misschien nog beter geen plexiglas maar gaas, je luiken kunnen immers dicht! veel plezier met de dames! gezina

  166. Congratulations Preston! I look forward to seeing how you will decorate and plan your wedding. Please be sure to share photos of your floral designs.Pre-nups are a no-no for me. I married my husband for richer or poorer (what’s mine is his and vice versa), until death parts us. Can’t put a price on love and marriage.

  167. What i don’t realize is in reality how you are not actually much more smartly-preferred than you might be now. You’re very intelligent. You understand therefore considerably in terms of this topic, produced me in my view believe it from so many numerous angles. Its like men and women aren’t involved until it’s something to do with Woman gaga! Your own stuffs great. All the time take care of it up!

  168. J’ai bien aimé le 1er tome de cette série, les petites histoires sont toutes aussi intéressantes les unes que les autres. Cependant j’ai trouvé le 2ème moins intéressant donc je crains que l’auteur ait épuisé ses idées. En tout cas, je le lirai quand il sortira en format de poche. Et si je l’aime bien j’attendrai que les autres ( qui sont encore nombreux ) soient traduits en français. 

  169. Danke für die Erinnerung, Graupen esse ich total gerne, schon als Kind. Sowas gibt es hier demnächst auch, allerdings ohne Kürbis, den mag ich nämlich nicht 😉 Der Kater sieht wirklich königlich aus, ein tolles Tier und die wundervolle Herbststimmung auf den Fotos ist wirklich fantastisch.

  170. Some of the stuff I listen to is intentionally lo-fi, as an artistic choice. Today just about any band can record crystal clear sound, with affordable equipment that is more readily available than in the past, so there is a tendency to overuse the technology (aka: “over producing”). The result is that some bands decide to leave the music raw, and more “live sounding” in the studio, rather than removing the rough edges.

  171. nn8mu8 Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article. Many thanks for supplying these details.

  172. I appreciate an unbelievable put up, will see one’s others posts. many thanks for your ideas for this, I soon became a bit strike by this article. Many thanks again! You earn a terrific time. Displays the beauty through wonderful report here. I do think that if a greater number of people thought about it like that, they’d have a better time period receive the hold ofing the issue.

  173. ¡¡¡¡Cumpleaños Feliz, Cumpleañoooss Feliz, te deseaaaamooooss Merchiiii, Cumpleaños Felizzzzz…..!!!!!¡Que falto yooooo….!A ver Merchi, ¿tu no sabes que a partir de una edad solo se soplan 18 velas?, que ya no cumplimos, que ahora descontamos.Espero que hayas pasado un día muy feliz, y claro el trocito de lasaña me lo debes. Un besazo muy fuerte.

  174. comentou em 10 de novembro de 2011 às 11:15. Adorei a dica de substituir a salsicha pelo bombril. Mas meninas, e especialmente Mari Inbar, eu moro na Bélgica, como é o nome da salsicha em francês, ou inglês? Pq eu queria achar! N achei no Brasil, pq tb n sabia o nome!Bjs

  175. Nachdem ich erst gestern wieder 600 g Mandeln für Nougat gehackt habe (ich tippe dies hier mit der linken Hand, die rechte krampft noch immer), würde es mich jetzt natürlich total interessieren, was du alles davor ausprobiert hast. Ich habe mit einem Messer mit glatter Klinge gehackt, und dabei entsteht immer reichlich Mandelstaub. Lässt sich der mit Wellschliff verhindern?

  176. Hej PudderdÃ¥ser,Jeg har ogsÃ¥ et ønske til test. Hvis I har tid, lyst og mulighed for det, kunne jeg rigtig godt tænke mig at høre jeres mening om Origins og især dagcremen A Perfect World.Tak for en fantastisk saglig blog – I gør det virkelig godt til glæde for alle os læsere.

  177. PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO and tell me what you think. This guy is good! Don’t know who he is, but he is pointing out the anomalies in the different “copies” of Obama’s BC._____________________________Published on Jun 19, 2012 by Bigone5555JAlthough the Hawaii Department of Health claims they sent Obama two certified copies of his “original Certificate of Live Birth”, three differentversions of Obama’s long form Birth Certificate have been released to the public and all three are different.Three Different “True Copies”

  178. · Just come over from twitter because of Nikki’s #FF – you’ve got such a lovely blog, I’m glad I came This juice looks delicious – my mum freshly juices all sorts of oranges and clementines and so on every day – we drink it before breakfast. She’s done it for about 17 years! I really miss it when I’m not with her – it never tastes the same if I do it (plus I’m scared of my citrus juicer). As far as favourite blogs, I think the ones I am most excited about when I see an update are , , and .

  179. Hi Jonathan, just a comment that I think to remember that this “optimization”: “…if the update is a “no-change” update, expansion simply doesn’t take place…” was only added in the release. I believe that previous versions ( and below) expand/replace the affected tokens even in case of “no-change” updates, which is a pity. Randolf

  180. Las fotos en blanco y negro tienen más vida, es lo que siento al verlas. Tengo una caja llena de fotos familiares. De mi madre adolescente cuando partió desde Okinawa hacia estas tierras. Con su vestido de novia cuando se casó. De mi padre muy elegante y peinado con fijador. Y una propia, que me tomaron antes de cumplir un año de vida.Recuerdo de niño: El flash de magnesio.

  181. ReinaFinnan, Aurelio, Carragher, Hyypia Mascherano, Lucas, Gerrard, Babel Torres, Kuyt. Subs: Itandje, Riise, Benayoun, Arbeloa, Pennant, Alonso, the newfound commitment to lucas, i will be interested to see the actual formation. would prefer stevie on the right and masche and lucas in the middle, babel left. likely it will be masche behind, kuyt on the right . ugh

  182. I just would like to know why Chile wound up being repressive. On a side note it seems whatever ‘good’ Pinochet did seems to be overshadowed by his brutal history (at least in Chile itself…)I’m just a bit wary of the label ‘libertarian’. It seems that those on the far right abuse the term so much it seems meaningless. I know one so-called ‘libertarian’ tried to explain his support for Bush on Conservative

  183. Zach, for the last time: the 111th Congress was completely controlled by Democrats, with super-majorities.Remember?Nancy Pelosi as Speaker?They failed to pass a budget in the House. Period.Now, go call Mom and ask her to warm up the Mac-and-Cheese and bring it down to the basement.

  184. Bee lineI sing in praise of beeswhose daily peregrinationstell of perfect logicdanced ahead of time in company of othersheralding the advent ofa crazy-paving pathleading to sweet fulfillment.My friends, let us be likethose honey-dipping pioneersDon’t leap to conclusionsdon’t come straight to the pointdon’t go as the crow flies.or tell the class tosit on line, don’t go fromA to B without consulting C.Deviate, procrastinate,innovate…. Pollinate!It’s always best to get therefashionably late.

  185. Hola david, eres muy amable.Como comentado que ciertas empresas importantes OFF con marcas reconocidas no tengan controlado / empujado / este tema ON, es grave.No podemos permitir que el miedo al canal nos anule una parte importante de futuro (donde el consumidor si va).

  186. Der er stor forskel. Begge lakridspulver er rigtig gode, men til hver deres formÃ¥l. Johan Bülows lakrids smager mere som ægte lakridspastiller, eller ren rÃ¥lakrids. Urtekrams variant er smager rigtig godt og mere som lakridsrod end som ren rÃ¥lakrids og lader sig ikke opløse pÃ¥ samme mÃ¥de i fx kaffe. – og tak for de søde ord om bloggen 🙂

  187. Jonas skriver:Hejsan, tack för att ni tog med det jag ville i ett tidigare avsnitt. Jag tycker att det skulle vara roligt om ni ville prata om era internationella favoriter. AlltsÃ¥ inte filmer frÃ¥n USA, Sverige eller England som är de ”största” länderna.

  188. Claire Ouellet dit :Article très intéressant. Je suis contente d’apprendre les différentes tentatives(actions politiques) d’un député de notre région concernant l’éducation. En éducation, nous attribuons beaucoup de changement lors de la Révolution tranquille, mais par cet article, nous réalisons que c’était une préoccupation remonte à plus de 100 ans

  189. The Absent Game…Amongst me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, which includes Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few many years I’ve settled down to one line of players….

  190. I am so proud of my Iowa Sen.Chuck Grassley!He opposes Sotomayor,unlike Harkin the Dem.Grassley is also against the hate crimes bills.We need more people like him!Less like Sotomayor,Obama,Reid,Pelosi etc.

  191. AT THE START OF THE SPEAK NOW WORLD TOUR” Real life is a funny thing, you know. I think most of us fear reaching the end of our life and looking back regretting the moments we didn’t speak up. When we didn’t say ‘I love you’. When we should’ve said ‘I’m sorry’. So there’s a time for silence, and there’s a time for waiting you turn. But if you know how you feel and you so clearly know what you need to say, you’ll know it. I don’t think you should wait. I think you should speak now.”

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  193. Hola saven ami tambien me esta pasando lo mismo mi novio se fue para donde la mama al principio me contestaba mensajes y llamadas despues ya no siempre tiene el celular apagado no me manda mensajes ni llamadas ni tanpoco viene yo a el lo amo mucho mesiento mal xq pasamos momentos felices y terminar por nada. demen un consejo xfa lo dejo o sigo esperando?

  194. Standing ovation pour ce billet !!!!j’ai ri du début à la fin et moi aussi j’ai adoré le passage sur les études et l’élevage bactéries !!!j’adore ton humour …. oups mais suis je bête il ne faut plus dire qu’on aime ton blog et ton humour !!! ;))bonne soirée !ps : j’ai lu sur Facebook que tu étais « balade » ??? soigne toi !!!bizzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  195. Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Very helpful information specially the closing phase I handle such info a lot. I used to be seeking this particular info for a long time. Thank you and good luck.

  196. que padre leerlas amigaaaaas, todas con sus casos particulares, aveces coincidimos que no nos gusta que nos agarren las herramientas o materiales y otras que nuestras mamis no les gustan las manualidades pero si la cocina, pero cada quien con habilidades o ¨dones¨que Dios nos da para compartir o para embellecer nuestro hogar, solo que llegue la inspiración y podemos hacer cositas muy lindas junto a nuestra familia, les mando un abrazo fuerte, gracias por compartir!!!

  197. Merci Seth, cette réponse revient régulièrement ! J’hésitais à faire, de temps en temps, des articles un peu plus généralistes que la manipulation… Plutôt sur des thèmes psychologiques et sociologiques. Je n’aurai pas du hésiter, si vous en êtes tous aussi friands !

  198. / OMG! I’ve been combing the internet for almost an hour and your 1 minute tip was exactly what I needed. I can’t believe it was so simple, I had to thank you. Thank you!Ricky

  199. molaviajar / Es bueno la verdad y coincidió la peor habitacion de toda nuestra vuelta al mundo hehehehe, la Gosi casi me mata por estar grabando todo el día….era un pesado

  200. meboya Firefox 12.0 | Windows XPacara ini sangat berlebihan dan mengada-ngada,dan tidak ada pendidikannya!!!!!!kok begitu mudahnya jin berhubungan dengan manusia dan didepan kamera,bohong!!!![]Respati Google Chrome 19.0.1084.56 | Windows 7, daripada nuduh macem², mending sampeyan kenal sana sama salah satu hostnya Indah Rahardjo, atau malah si Ust,nya: Ustadz Hakim Bawazier..Silakan ungkapkan uneg² anda ke mereka, atau maen ke studio Trans7 yg menurut sampeyan sdh bikin acara bohong, drpd sampeyan ngegosip..[]

  201. I am new to this department and have been given responsibility to maintain the UT Early Learning Center’s web site. I was informed to contact you and you could help training me to convert our website to the new preferred wordpress templates.I know a little about web design in Dreamweaver but am very willing to learn how to to do this to keep our parents and clients informed through the web site.

  202. Sadly, it's the old chestnut of "Take a good idea and flog it to death". It's part of the undertone of nastiness which is my real problem with the next season. I understand what they were trying to do but coming after someone as nice as the Fifth Doctor, it really smacks you in the face.

  203. So when is this killing fields thing going to happen? 5 years? 10? When?I predict there won’t be a killing fields like thing in the next 30 years (roughly my life expectancy – I’m old**).What’s your prediction as to when this is going to happen?**And because I’m old, I’ve had so many people of so many ideologies tell me the world was going to end soon and have watched every single one of those predictions be wrong that I can’t take such predictions seriously anymore.

  204. Big City Lib, through your grudging apology you’re marginally better than your poster Ti-Guy who has monopolized about half the comments and dragged the tone down to muddy depths. He demonstrates the common liberal illusion that ad hominem attacks amount to either argument or wit, also pride in wilful ignorance “I read Steyn once…”.You’re judged by the company you keep and this homophobic potty mouth is bad company.

  205. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Bless you!

  206. “Spider-Man would see a crime about to go down and I would place a camera nearby and set it on a timer” people might catch on that he was Spider-Man but he was deliberately allowing people to think that he and Spider-Man were two different people.

  207. Je ne supporte pas la manière dont te traitent ces gens et je ne veux rien avoir à faire avec eux; c’est indéfendable.Je suis catholique et j’ai honte actuellement de la position et des actes de l’Eglise catholique.Merci pour ton témoignage.

  208. What can you take with you when the time comes to leave this realm of existence? As your mortal life winds down to the last few moments, what will ease the journey? The answers to these questions, for me define “success.”… that is, what the heart and mind can take with it as our living energy is disseminated from the body into the universal life drift (or into God’s keeping and love), Life is the opportunity to love and be loved. To have done so well is greater to me than wealth, power, grand lodgings, great career, etc.

  209. Je ne reside plus en france depuis longtemps et je ne comprend pas bien cette histoire entre free et youtube mentionnée plusieurs fois dans les commentaires. Pourriez vous donnez une breve explication svp?

  210. The new kids on the block are not thinking. They should get rid of the last 2 coaches, Dan and Brittney. That Frank keeps surviving and that Ian pulled off a great stunt is the best moves in the game. I think Ian will lose his nerve soon. Hi Julie

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  212. Ah, dar sunt o gramada de reclame tampite la Tv! Nu-i de mirare ca noi am avut anul acesta doar 13 reclame romanesti la Noaptea Devoratorilor de Publicitate dintre care vreo 6 erau la "asa nu" :)))Superba tinuta!Dupa cum spunea, iti urmaresc cu mare, mare placere blogul!

  213. hard for him to exercise while imprisoned. Post says he received a denial on his request to receive gastric bypass surgery and is currently unable to walk to due to a risk of falling. In addition, Post blames severe

  214. Saygideger Yusuf bey,Sizinle ve yazilanlarla hemfikirim; benim yorumda demek istedigim sapla samani karistirarak bir aklama ortami hazirlama cabasina girmeleri sacmalik,; ya milleti gerizekali saniyorlar, ya caresizlik icinde ortami bulandiracak her yola tevessul ediiyorlar, bilemiyorum.. o yuzden dedim ya hersey beklenir oldu artik bir muddettir..

  215. Buku boleh bekas, tapi isinya akan langgeng dan bermanfaat yankSalam hangat dari BlogCamp yang saat ini sedang menggelar acara :1. ” Kontes Menulis Opini ”2. ”The Amazing Picture ”,3. ”The Twin Contest”4. “ Kontes Menulis Peribahasa “dalam rangka menyambut 1st BlogCamp’s Anniversary.Dan juga….Kontes Mini Keluarga BloggerSilahkan bergabung di BlogCamp dan raihlah hadiah yang menarik.Terima kasih

  216. césar ferraz disse:bando de covardes e bandidos safados, o senhor deve sim apoiar esses consumidores e alertar a população, fico feliz, pois estes devem ser envestigados e presos como exemplo… parabéns deputado

  217. Looking for Like-Minded “L Word” Acquaintances I’m a new comer to the area, just looking for a decent group match online dating of folks to friends. I’m gay, just to out myself with the world of slist. Haha. It’s not necessary to be gay, I’m not looking for a hook-up or anything of your nature. Just people to explore this Emeral free online sex d green City with! (expected short physical description: high, white, blonde, informed, clever, witty, and so on. ). 52925 Henggangkou, Ozyablitsy fat woman ready horney grannies

  218. I like what you guys tend to be up too. Such clever work and coverage! Keep up the very good works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to my personal blogroll.

  219. For what it’s worth, I was there and followed them for a block. Called 911 twice and screamed at the cops for being nowhere in sight. I wish I’d had the balls to do what this guy did, however.

  220. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s both educated and entertaining, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Your thought is excellent; the issue is something that not enough people are talking intelligently about. I’m very pleased that I stumbled across this in my search for info referring to this.

  221. he was a Methodist because I found his argument in Baptism in the Holy Spirit to be one that logically leads to believers’ baptism. In fact, I saw it as a “Baptist with Pentecostal leanings” argument–a position which has continued to characterize yours truly.

  222. I watched this one on mute, per the advise above. I was bothered by several things already noted, plus the no-glove thing, and his curiously painted pinky nail (he wouldn’t keep his hand away) BUT…I thank you, Cochore, for this video, and do hope the’ll post one which shows final resolution to this potential volcano!

  223. Marvelous bunch of seeds in your bread, Angie. I love bread like this toasted…with honey. Fun to see cumin in the recipe; unusual for a bread.(and yes, I did the apple slices myself. Thin, dipped in simple syrup and baked, low and slow.)

  224. Oh yeah! So looking forward to seeing these movies! Definitely want to see Heath as the Joker as I’ve read so many great reviews. Downey Jr should be great as an adventurous billionare with his past. X Files should be brilliant since the special effects will be better than they could afford for a TV show.

  225. Tylko dlaczego ci najlepsi ludzie rozmyli siÄ™, zanim sami wywoÅ‚ali cokolwiek?Nie wiem, czy przywódcy wycinali siÄ™ przed, czy po. BywaÅ‚o różnie. SÄ… kraje, gdzie “wycina” siÄ™ do dziÅ›, niekoniecznie z powodu wywoÅ‚ania rewolucji, ale, by przeszkodzić jej wywoÅ‚aniu. To tak, jak u nas, nie? PS. Notturno! WtrÄ…cam siÄ™. PopracujÄ™ nad sobÄ….S.

  226. Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a 30 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  227. "as it saves a lot of time on the reloading.Now to design a mag holder that would hold the mags for you so you can put them in more easily one handed…"The sheer lack of brain power here is mind boggling. I guess he wants a magazine holder that just launches the magazine from his belt to the bottom of his gun.I'm sure I was just as much of an idiot as a teenager. But I'm really glad that I can't even remember a time when I was more concerned with trying to look cool when I did things than with actually doing them well.

  228. ,hummm that didn’t even give time to learn it was not Anthoney’s program, now the 2nd week they ask for more money for domain name and hosting , and 3 week wanted to charge 495 for llc, which none of the extra costs were told to me in the signing of the program ( the course was already 3050 for yr teaching) thats how i ended up at the MoneyNowFunding ,for my llc,and while disappointed i began searching and found your blog site, i am just lost in the fog ,but want, so much ,to make money online. My contact if you have any advise is . thanks for letting me vent i am so mad.

  229. Deterrence doesn’t work with Iran. Preemption does. And all Hillary has done is to ensure Iran gets the message that Iran should attack the US preemptively.Try to think like an Iranian

  230. i gave up my hobby lobby virginity on saturday. it was awesome! my josie wants a bean bag for Christmas. where did you find it? my babies always looked hung-over after nursing. cute. 5:00 p.m. was always the worst. let me encourage you… some day at 5:00 they'll all be making you dinner, and cleaning it up, and you'll sit and marvel at how far they've come. 🙂

  231. that madaline was devoid of that emotion she needed to expierence and was a hollow shell. the client also called Echo a Zombie. Watching it i thought not only was that a good throwback to the Unaired pilot/ Pilot episode, but also was intresting cuz madeline was basically the Zombie Slave Doll stereotype

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